Well I was thinking about my life till now and the events occurred with me. I met many people, met many events (planned and unplanned) and now I realize that all what happened is a series of probabilistic events towards somewhat "destiny" (I think, somehow). It's like throwing a dice and get the number you want to win the game. It may be the same thing that mi
ght have happened with almost everyone in this world. There is no doubt that our lives (which you can consider as a book or a series of books like Harry Potter, who just lives in those books) follow different probability distribution or in other words, our lives starts with probability and ends with it. In the whole this life span because of these probabilistic events we do such things which makes us miserable (may be alive or after death). Sounds like technical?? chuck it, let me put in layman language.

I haven't read many books on life by well known authors, who might be famous because of their experience or their theory on life style or so but I do believe that there is a larger subset of human being to share a huge fraction that experience. It is just an initiative to put all thing together and present in a proper way and that's what these beautifully written books do. I bet, you open a book, there will be at least one thing you will find new.
Our life begins with the birth and then survival from many things with certain chances, in this modern world those chances of surviving has been increased (compared with past) from proper medical care. In our childhood (Chapter one of our life), we have fallen down many times during play or learning cycling or something. In schools, we met our best buddies with whom we still share many things, which had happened stochastically. I think we were never deterministic about choosing our childhood friends, at least. In college, we meet some specific kind of people that we like and become friends, that's a little bit deterministic (probably). Meanwhile (may be in school or college or both), most of us found someone special and feel the magic feeling called "love" and I have no doubt that this feeling is a true probabilistic. You can try to make it work but the result depends on the chance of your surviving in this feeling is all set by your actions and efforts. no doubt "Life is a stochastic process".
If you have to pick a few memorable moments of your life till now you will definitely pick things which you didn't expect or less expect or in other words "events with less probability". In any field, let it be engineering, doctors, lawyers, sports etc. the chance of success is always there, whether you like it or not. The winning with less success probability is what we call "luck".
Anyway, Life is what you can't bind with any word but itself so I will end this topic (for time being) with a famous law "murphy's law", which is 'Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong'. The advanced version is something like this "If you have managed to make 'One' thing right from wrong then there would be 'Something' that will definitely go wrong". So I wish you all to have engaged with the events/opportunities with higher chances of success and let you aware to have an eye on the events with "less probable events", which will make you more miserable.